Local Rag

The Local Rag is our local magazine, funded by the Parish Council, advertising income and donations from individuals and organisations within the parishes. It’s produced, published and distributed for free to all in Alverdiscott and Huntshaw.

the local rag alverdiscott and huntshaw

The Parish Council is grateful to the dedicated team of volunteers who publish and distribute the magazine.

Local Rag Archives

Publication and Distribution

The Alverdiscott and Huntshaw Local Rag is produced by the Editor, Elsie Potter and Assistant Editor David Potter. They are always keen to receive content items from parishioners which can be sent via email to: thelocal.rag(at)btinternet.com or dropped in by hand to: Webbery Cross Cottage. The editor reserves the right to accept, reject or amend any submitted articles.

The Local Rag is financed by the Parish Council, by income from advertisers and donations from both individuals and community organisations.