Local Information

Local Weather

Our nearest Met Office station is at Chivenor.

The weather readings at Chivenor give an indication of current conditions in the parishes but even though it is only a few miles away as the crow flies the weather can be different. Huntshaw Cross is about 200m above sea level and is usually cooler than Chivenor. In the links below we have included, ‘Weather in Torrington’ which has a webcam looking up towards Huntshaw Cross so you can see what local conditions are like. The site also gives you current conditions in Torrington.

Local Bus Times

Here are some of our local bus services which run along the B3232 between Torrngton and Roundswell toward Barnstaple.

Local History

Local history is a fascinating subject and we aim to collate what we can find over time. We would welcome contributions from parishioners who might be happy to help.

There is some interesting historic information on Huntshaw and the Church of St Mary Magdeline over on the new Huntshaw Church website.

Local Attractions

Here are some special places enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

Parish Data

Please see our Parish Maps page for some interesting if somewhat out-of-date statistics on our parishes.

Village Halls

We are lucky to have two outstanding parish halls. One at Stony Cross and the other in Huntshaw. Facilities at both are excellent and they are available for hire.


  • Church of All Saints, Alverdiscott
  • Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Huntshaw
  • Alverdiscott Chapel Methodist Church

Public Rights of Way

Definitive maps are legal documents that are produced and required to be kept up to date by every county council or unitary authority in England and Wales. Definitive maps are public documents and must be available for the public to view, free of charge. Follow this link to view rights of way in Devon.